Parent Governor Elections
Dear parents/carers,
I wrote to you previously to invite nominations for the vacancy for a parent governor.I am pleased to advise you that there are three candidates for the vacancy. This means that we must now hold an election and parents/carers are required to vote for their preferred candidate. The election will be conducted via a Microsoft Teams survey which can be accessed at the following link:
Each parent/carer is entitled to vote only once via the above link.
If you are unable to complete the online voting process, you may obtain a copy of the ballot paper in person from the school office, or by requesting that a copy of the ballot paper is posted to you.
The closing date for receipt of votes is 4.00pm on Friday 7th October 2022. Votes received after this time will not be valid.
In order to ensure that only eligible parents/carers of pupils vote in this election, you are required to provide your name and the name of your child/children who attend the school, however this information will remain strictly confidential and will be visible only to myself as the returning officer.
Once the votes have been counted, the results of the election will be announced.
Yours sincerely,
Gill Darwood (Mrs)
Director of Corporate Governance